CISV Village Summer 2024-Montreal, Canada

CISV Village Summer 2024-Montreal, Canada
28.06.2024 - 25.07.2024
We have openings for delegates for a Village, a 28-day program for Youth who are 11 years old (or turning 11 by August 31, 2024).  Youth will travel together in a delegation made up of 4 CISV Vancouver member youths + 1 adult leader to will travel together in a delegation to…
CANADA – Montreal V-2024-010  – June 28, 2024 – July 25, 2024
The online application form below has all the details, including fees, and is the first step in applying for a CISV International Program for summer 2023.  All applications are due January 31st, 2024.   The CISV Vancouver Programming Selection Committee will be carefully reviewing each application and contacting applicants and their references as phase 2 of this process.
Please contact: directly if you would like more information or have questions with regards to CISV Vancouver and the programs being offered before applying.