Looking to go on a CISV program this summer? Wondering where we’ll be sending delegates this summer? If so, join us on Sunday, December 1st for our annual skating and program announcement event! Meet us in the Brittania rink lobby for a fun afternoon of skating and taking the first step to having an unforgettable summer. We will also be holding a holiday donation drive for Covenant House at the event so we encourage you to bring what you can to support a great cause. You can find the most needed items listed below.
Date: Sunday, December 1st
Location: Britannia Community Centre & Rink, 1661 Napier St, Vancouver
Time: 3:15 PM skating, 4:15 PM program announcements (in the Community Room)
Email cisvjbvancouver@gmail.com or leadership.cisv.vancouver@gmail.com for more info.